Find your purpose and live an authentic life!

Existential Therapy

Therapy for life transitions and other existential issues in San Antonio and online anywhere in Texas.

Questioning Your Purpose? You Are Not Alone.

You're at a crossroads, grappling with deep questions about your life's purpose and meaning, and your beliefs and identity no longer fit, leaving you feeling lost and unsure about the path ahead. Perhaps you are transitioning to the next phase in your life and wonder how it might impact who you are and what is in store for you.

Do you find yourself constantly questioning your existence, and things that once brought you satisfaction now feel hollow? You ask yourself, "Who am I? What is my place in this world? Is there any point to it all?" These questions consume your thoughts, making it hard to focus on anything else.

Though you don’t want to stay stuck and know that you ultimately can’t, moving forward feels daunting. You're afraid of losing yourself further, and yet, staying stagnant will only lead to more suffering and disconnection from your authentic self.

Your struggles are impacting your life, and at work, you find it hard to focus and stay motivated. In your relationships, you feel disconnected, like no one gets you. It's lonely, and it's hard to figure out where you fit in. You feel like the world doesn’t understand you.

The weight of these questions is taking a toll on your mental and emotional well-being, and you might experience anxiety, depression, or a constant sense of unease. This makes facing your day-to-day challenges harder than it needs to be.

How existential therapy can help

With greater clarity and insight, you can develop a sense of self-worth and confidence. Imagine a life in which you are comfortable trusting your instincts and feel secure in your decisions, knowing they reflect your true self. This empowers you to face challenges head-on and seize new opportunities.

Imagine that at work, you focus easily, and you approach tasks with purpose and motivation. Your actions start to align with your values and goals, giving you a deep sense of fulfillment.

Your improvements could help your relationships thrive. They help you create a life in which you are more comfortable sharing your authentic self with others, and they accept you for who you are. With improved communication, you may connect with people on a deeper level. Meaningful relationships enrich your life.

Imagine a life in which you are experiencing a deep sense of peace, contentment, and resilience, and quipped with the tools and inner strength you've gained, you navigate existential questions with grace and courage. In this life, you feel intimately connected to yourself, others, and the world around you, allowing you to live in an authentic, fulfilling way that truly expresses who you are.

Our work together.

In our work together, we'll explore life's big questions and your path to a more authentic, fulfilling existence. This will enable you to get on track toward gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and what truly matters to you.

I'll support you in developing the clarity and self-awareness needed to make decisions that align with your core beliefs. Together, we'll navigate life's uncertainties and challenges, helping you find strength and resilience within yourself.

Our relationship will be a space for you to feel seen, heard, and understood. I'll be there to support you as you confront your fears, explore new possibilities, and take ownership of your life.

With the insights and tools you'll gain, you should be equipped to create a life that is true to who you are. You can find the courage to pursue your passions, build fulfilling relationships, and find your unique place in the world. Our work together will help you cultivate a rich, vibrant existence filled with purpose, meaning, and authenticity.

What you’ll gain

Therapy for existential issues can help you

  • gain clarity and self-awareness

  • align your life with your true self

  • build resilience and inner strength

  • cultivate fulfilling relationships

  • discover your unique purpose

  • navigate life transitions confidently

Get in touch

You can find your way.
Let me be your guide.

Click this link to choose a day and time for a free, confidential consultation or schedule a session.


Frequently asked questions

  • In our sessions, we'll explore your values, passions, and beliefs to help you rediscover what gives your life meaning. Together, we'll work on creating a roadmap towards a more purposeful and connected existence.

  • Examples for major life transitions are: Graduating from high school, starting or finishing college, a move away from home, weddings, adding children to your family, divorce, retirement, spiritually transformative experiences, etc. Other events might also mark significant transitions in your life. You determine which event feels like a major transition to you.

  • Absolutely. Life transitions can be stressful and disorienting. Through counseling, you'll gain coping strategies, build resilience, and learn to embrace change as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

  • Yes, existential concerns and feelings of isolation are common themes in therapy. Together, we'll explore these feelings, build self-awareness, and work on fostering a deeper sense of connection to yourself and others.

  • In our sessions, we'll work on identifying your core values and beliefs. By gaining clarity about who you are and what you want, you'll feel empowered to make decisions that truly reflect your authentic self.

  • Definitely. Through therapy, you'll learn techniques to manage anxiety and build emotional resilience. We'll work on developing a toolkit of coping strategies to help you navigate life's uncertainties with greater ease and confidence.

  • In counseling, we'll start by exploring your vision of a fulfilling life. From there, we'll set achievable goals and develop an action plan to help you move toward the life you desire. I'll be there to support and guide you every step of the way.

  • Yes, therapy can help you navigate existential concerns in a way that enhances your relationships. By gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world, you'll be better equipped to communicate your needs, set healthy boundaries, and build more meaningful connections with others.

find your purpose

find your purpose —